Recently, violations in the field of personal data protection and cyber security have made users more aware of this issue. According to cyber security experts, about 2 billion users’ e-mail and password information is published on the Dark Web. According to the research, the most common passwords in Turkey are 123456, abc123 and 111111.

What Precautions Should Be Taken Against Possible Cyber Security Violations:

Cerebrum Tech Founder and Chairman of the Board Dr. R. Erdem Erkul warns users about passwords consisting of consecutive numbers and letters. Erkul made his statement as “First of all, users who think that their information has been compromised or have accounts on leaked web pages need to change the password of their account. It is possible to take legal action in possible violations of rights, but it may not be possible to recover your unauthorized copied data. To ensure our personal cyber security, we may take care of issues such as the use of public networks and using secure channels in public networks. We can choose our passwords in complex or even meaningless combinations. Although it is difficult to remember all of them, we can choose different passwords on each platform and change our passwords frequently.

Corporately, it is necessary to create a ‘cyber security culture’ for companies. In this regard, necessary precautions should be taken, starting from the top. Cyber security rules, procedures, and systems suitable for the structure of companies must be established. Training of employees according to cyber security measures is also among the important issues. As Cerebrum Tech, we aim to establish a strong cyber security ecosystem with our partnership with Limatek, both in terms of ensuring the security of our systems and preventing the cyber security vulnerabilities of the institutions that we provide digital transformation support.”

Importance of Local and National Technologies in Cyber Security:

The market volume of cyber security, which was 185 billion dollars in 2020, is expected to reach the level of 248 billion dollars by 2023. In this sense, there are also strong companies in the field of cyber security, which is considered among the most important value-added technologies, in Turkey. Limatek Sistem, with its strong partnership with Cerebrum Tech, is one of these companies. Emphasizing the significance of national software in the field of cyber security, Limatek System General Manager Canan Okutanoğlu indicates that “First of all, on this road we started 6 years ago to produce local cyber security solutions in our country with the slogan of ‘Safe device, secure connection’, we go beyond the borders of our country with the strong partnership we have made with Cerebrum Tech and we are excited to create a world brand from our country in cyber security solutions. We are in the days when data is worth gold, and we see that this value is increasing rapidly day by day. In this context, it is very important to be able to create local and national brands in the field of cyber security. For this purpose, we are developing both local and national solutions, to improve the cyber security ecosystem.”

Due to its nature, cyber-attacks that can be carried out at national and international levels, lead states, societies, and economies to be prepared against cyber-attacks for self-protection. Development of local and national cyber security software and ecosystems is now considered a part of national security strategies.